In today’s dynamic digital advertising landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires leveraging cutting-edge technologies that deliver results. At enCOMPASS, we’re excited to offer Page Context AI, a revolutionary targeting solution that ensures your ads appear in front of the right audience, at the right time, and in the most relevant context.
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Every industry has its own unique set of buzzwords and terminology. The field of website design is no exception. Those who work in web design have developed a unique language of terms to characterize their creative process, and while there’s plenty of logic behind these words and phrases, it can all seem a bit impenetrable to outsiders.
It’s never been more challenging for retail brands to stand out. Between the sheer volume of competitors, plus ever-increasing prices, consumers are motivated to be choosier and choosier about where they do their business. It takes a carefully considered marketing strategy for retailers to distinguish themselves as brands of choice. And for more and more retail marketers, that means a heavy reliance on digital out-of-home, or DOOH.
It’s become almost impossible to find a small business that doesn’t have its own website. In fact, the Internet is so crowded with business websites that after a while, they can start to blur together. For business owners who long for their digital presence to leave a lasting impression, fostering strong brand associations, it’s becoming harder and harder to stand out.
Here’s a sentence that probably won’t surprise you: YouTube is a very big deal. It’s a big deal among consumers, and as such, it’s a big deal among advertisers.
We often champion email marketing as one of the most powerful and cost-effective tools for reaching a target audience and developing your sales pipeline. And yet, for many small business owners, getting started with email marketing can seem a little intimidating.
In our world of high-tech, fast-paced digital advertising, it might seem like nothing is less trendy than a billboard ad. Believe it or not, though, this kind of highly visible, highly public advertisement is seeing a resurgence in popularity. It’s all thanks to a media type known as digital out-of-home, or DOOH, advertising.
Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to foster long-term relationships with customers and clients. Before you can start reaping the rewards of a successful email marketing campaign, however, there’s some groundwork that must be laid. Specifically, it’s important to create a strong email marketing list and to put an infrastructure in place to ensure that list keeps growing.
For years, marketers and advertisers relied on cookies to collect user data, using it to direct their messaging and target the desired audience. Due to rising concerns over online privacy and data autonomy, however, cookies have fallen out of fashion. In fact, over the past couple of years, the marketing world has been hurtling toward a cookieless future.
Practically since the dawn of the Internet, marketers and small business owners have benefitted from providing their audiences with rich, relevant, high-quality content. That basic reality has remained consistent, yet nearly everything else concerning content marketing is in flux. Due to changes in technology, changes in consumer preference, and changes in the Google search algorithms, content marketing is evolving all the time.