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Published in Uncategorised

As soon as I followed enCOMPASS Agency’s recommendation with my drip campaign, I saw leads come through immediately. I could not ask for a better partner. From my website to my digital marketing…no one does it better than enCOMPASS. They are truly the marketing experts.

Published in Testimonials


As of today enCOMPASS has doubled my leads...the floodgates are open. Thanks for all of the help!

Published in Testimonials

Consumer behavior has changed a great deal in recent years, and the Internet is obviously a main driver. Today, the search for a product or a local business often begins on the Internet, and only after conducting extensive online research do consumers head to a local brick-and-mortar business. The implication is that your business must be found online, and that having solid Google search listings is invaluable—not merely from a branding perspective, but from the standpoint of actually sending foot traffic into your place of business. Google My Business is one of the easiest ways to achieve higher online visibility—and in this post, we’ll show you how it’s properly leveraged.

Published in encompass blog

Facebook remains the largest social network in the world, with a total user census that now surpasses a billion. Having access to an audience of that size might seem like the best reason to use Facebook Ads. Actually, the remarkable thing about Facebook Ads is how it allows the advertiser to break that massive audience into smaller segments, and to advertise with real precision and finesse. Through Facebook’s advanced targeting features, the advertiser can display ads only to the consumers he or she wishes to pursue. When done right, this can eliminate much of the risk involved with online ads of any kind.

Published in encompass blog

Like many other facets of the digital industry, Advanced TV has many different definitions and delineators. At its roots, it is any video that is not airing on a traditional TV via linear programming delivery methods. Here is the IAB’s (Interactive Advertising Bureau) Official Definition:

Published in encompass blog

When working with any paid ad service, budgeting is a critical part of the endeavor; you must be precise in your ad spend to get the desired results, and to maximize your bang for buck. This is certainly true in Facebook Ads, where you’ll be faced with various options for bidding and for determining your ad spend.

Published in encompass blog

In creating content for their company website, many small business owners feel torn. On the one hand, they wand to develop a site that’s pleasing to potential customers, and helps them brand themselves effectively. On the other hand, they want to make sure they have all the technical elements in place to find favor with Google’s search algorithms.

Published in encompass blog

At first blush, understanding the role of online content seems pretty simple. Using search engines like Google, as well as social networks like Facebook and Twitter, consumers search for information, solutions to their problems, and answers to their questions. Your company’s content can and should provide those things; the whole point of creating content is to establish your brand as a potential solution to consumer pain points.

Published in encompass blog

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We’re ready to show your strengths to the world when you are.

Your business is unique. The strategies that work for others in your industry might not work for you! We listen with every tool we have in order to equip you to make smart decisions about how you market and to whom. enCOMPASS Advertising Agency is ready to help you reach the people you want to reach.

We’ll perform an audit and give you all the information you need to get started. There are no long-term contracts so there's nothing standing in your way to achieving better results starting right now!

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    A lot of our best work… is invisible.

    We use microdata on all of the sites we build to make sure important details like address and business hours are passed on to Google and other search engines, making it easier for your customers to find you both on and off the web.

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    All websites are not created equal. There are many marketing practices that are imperative to making your investment worth it. Our work on Carolina Custom's award-winning website is proof of just that.

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