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Why Now’s the Time to Upgrade Your Website

Why Now’s the Time to Upgrade Your Website

Written by enCOMPASS Agency

All too often, business owners treat their website like a bowling trophy: Something you strive for, acquire, then set on the shelf and forget about. It’s far better to consider your website as a living document, something that constantly evolves and is subject to regular review and revision. Indeed, there are many reasons to update your website, whether it’s to keep pace with your changing business, with your changing customer base, or with the changing Internet.

If you haven’t audited or upgraded your website in a few years, now may be the time. Here are just a few of the main reasons why we recommend regular website updates.

Why Upgrade Your Website?

1) Upgrade your website to improve the user experience.

First and foremost, a good business website provides a welcoming, supportive presence for visitors. In other words, it should be seen as an extension of your customer service department.

As such, one of the main reasons to upgrade your website is to improve its performance and accessibility, whether that means rethinking your navigation or making some core updates to improve site speed.

Remember that improving user experience will not only help you with conversions, but will be a boon to your SEO efforts, as well.

2) Upgrade your website to keep pace with Google updates.

Speaking of SEO, it should be mentioned that Google’s search algorithms are constantly in flux. Google unveils new algorithmic updates throughout the year, most of them minor but some fairly significant, all designed to supply the end user with better, more relevant search results. In fact, in a recent interview a Google representative touts changing their search algorythms an average of six times per day!

If Google isn’t static, then your website shouldn’t be, either. Every few years, sit down with a qualified Web developer who can audit your website for SEO compatibility, advising you on any changes that you should consider to make your brand more competitive on the search engines results page (SERP).

3) Upgrade your website to ensure mobile readiness.

For a long time, Google advised website owners to make certain their sites were mobile-friendly. These days, Google goes a step further, recommending that sites be designed with a mobile-first mindset. In other words, the mobile version of your site should be the main version, not an alternative one.

Upgrading your website may be necessary for a mobile-first design, which will help you to welcome mobile users and also to keep pace with the search engine algorithms.

4) Upgrade your website to ensure the most effective CTAs.

You may need to upgrade the technical dimensions of your website, but it can be just as valuable to update the design and content aspects. For example, if you haven’t reviewed the most up-to-date practices for establishing clear calls to action, your website may not be the lean, mean conversion generator that it could be.

When you work with an agency that integrates website design with marketing, as we do here at enCOMPASS, you can get a complete overhaul of your CTA design and placement. Upgrading your CTAs can be a great way to optimize your website’s sales performance.

5) Upgrade your website to provide state-of-the-art representation for your brand.

A lot of companies pride themselves on being at the forefront of their industry. Unfortunately, it’s hard to come across as visionary or cutting-edge when your website looks like it was built 20 years ago.

If your site has a dated or stale appearance, that’s reason enough to consider an upgrade. A more sophisticated and forward-thinking design can help convey your company’s professionalism and its commitment to being at the vanguard. If your site looks behind the times, talk with a website design team about adopting a fresh new aesthetic.

6) Upgrade your website to maintain a competitive edge.

One more reason to consider a website upgrade? Because your competitors are doing it.

Simply put, you don’t want to be the only business in your industry, region, or niche with a website that’s dull, dated, or light on features.

Instead, keep tabs on the website designs your competitors are employing. Make note of how regularly they upgrade their sites. And don’t allow your own site to gather dust and cobwebs, or to fall behind in terms of content, performance, aesthetics, or UX.

Schedule a Website Consultation with enCOMPASS

As you think about upgrading your business website, we recommend scheduling a consultation with an experienced design company. We’d love to chat with you here at enCOMPASS. Our award-winning website development team can help you perform a full site audit, and make recommendations about how to improve your company’s online presence. Our team is known for a seamless integration of design, UX, marketing, and SEO, helping you ensure a website that meets all of its performance goals.

To schedule a consultation with us, reach out to enCOMPASS at your convenience.