tr?id=512356885781061&ev=PageView&noscript=1 Josh Wilkinson - enCOMPASS Advertising Agency
Josh Wilkinson

Josh Wilkinson


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We’re ready to show your strengths to the world when you are.

Your business is unique. The strategies that work for others in your industry might not work for you! We listen with every tool we have in order to equip you to make smart decisions about how you market and to whom. enCOMPASS Advertising Agency is ready to help you reach the people you want to reach.

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All websites are not created equal. There are many marketing practices that are imperative to making your investment worth it. Our work on Carolina Custom's award-winning website is proof of just that.


did you know?

A lot of our best work… is invisible.

We use microdata on all of the sites we build to make sure important details like address and business hours are passed on to Google and other search engines, making it easier for your customers to find you both on and off the web.

Jerry and his team are the real deal. This is by far the most professional, reliable website marketing company I have ever worked with... bar none. Specifically, they are super responsive, they take the time to teach and they just take care of things that need to be done without asking. I have never felt this cared for by any company I've worked with. I am completely confident in their work and expertise. If you're looking for the right fit for your business I'd certainly give them a call.

Ready to work with an award-winning team of designers and developers? Just make the call.


Mobile First

enCOMPASS Agency is proud to be on the leading edge of the rapidly changing world of web design and development. We develop all of our sites with our Interactive Marketing Intelligence Development platform where websites are created to be experienced seamlessly on ALL devices & screen sizes regardless of the platform or orientation.

Over the years we have found certain features that every business with a web presence needs in order to maximize the value of their website. We include all of these features in our base installation. One of the most efficient ways of doing so, when it’s right for your business needs, is to build a highly customized version of Joomla!

This award-winning content management system (CMS) is one of the most popular Open Source platforms available today. It empowers our developers to efficiently build highly customized world-class websites with powerful online applications.

Because our code is hand written, we can take the extra steps to make sure the code is optimized for the search engines. Whether your project is a simple template or a complex extension, our code will be optimized for search engine indexing. Our sites are fully compatible with all current search engine optimization techniques. If you are in a highly competitive industry and need the extra boost of additional optimization, our sites are completely customizable.

The art of email marketing is to turn a complex set of considerations into a simple, turnkey solution. To enjoy the present-day renaissance in email marketing, your email campaigns require more strategy and finesse than ever. We make it easy by streamlining as many aspects of your email-marketing program as possible. We build the infrastructure, monitor real-time results, and deliver meaningful reporting so you can leverage email data in your decision-making.

Our Intelligent Marketing Services

  • did you know?

    A lot of our best work… is invisible.

    We use microdata on all of the sites we build to make sure important details like address and business hours are passed on to Google and other search engines, making it easier for your customers to find you both on and off the web.

  • be a success story.

    A Goodnight Sleepstore


    A great-looking website doesn’t mean much if nobody sees it! After launching the AGNS website we worked closely with the client on their marketing strategy. Utilizing a combination of tactics, we have seen GREAT results over a 3-year period. 

    49% Increase in Year over Year Organic Traffic
    134% Increase in Goal Conversions
    134% increasein goal conversions