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6 Things to Know About SEO in 2016

6 Things to Know About SEO in 2016

Written by enCOMPASS Agency

Did you know that Google’s internal algorithms change hundreds of times each year? Search engines are not static, and so your search engine strategies can’t be, either.

That’s not to overstate the dynamic nature of search engine optimization (SEO). In many ways, the foundations of search are pretty solid. Google always wants to provide its client (i.e., the search engine user) with a great product (i.e., relevant search results). If you keep that in mind—producing content that’s high-quality, value-adding, and topical—you’re well on your way to SEO success.

Yet there are some tips and trends every aspiring SEO should be aware of as we journey further into 2016. If you really want to maximize your online visibility and exposure in the year to come, make sure to implement some of the strategies highlighted below.

#1: Write for your (human) readers.

First and foremost, remember who you’re creating online content for. A common misconception is that the point of search engine optimization is to cater to search engines—but that’s misguided. What you need to do is focus on your actual, human audience—and if your audience finds the content to be helpful, believe us… Google will know it, and reward you for it.

All of that’s just to say that quality is paramount—no amount of SEO tricks or gimmicks will allow you to transcend shoddy Web writing or design.

#2: Duplication is death.

Because Google wants to provide its users with a wealth of valuable content assets for each and every search, there is little patience for content that’s plagiarized or repetitive. If you want your website or blog to rank, you’ve got to cut out any duplicate content—pages that either mirror each other or steal from each other. Make every page and every piece of content distinct.

#3: Don’t get hung up on keywords.

If you’re writing with clear intent and a high level of quality, Google will be able to figure out what your content is about—meaning keywords are not quite as critical as they used to be. Do keyword research to provide some direction for your page, and use them naturally within the content, but don’t feel like you have to bend over backwards to shoehorn them into the content.

#4: User experience isn’t just about written content.

Good, clear writing will help you develop meaningful, value-adding content—but the user experience also encompasses clear, easy navigation and a page layout that lends itself to reading. In other words, website design is just as important to SEO as copywriting is.

#5: Short content usually isn’t substantive.

You probably have some pages of your website that are content-light—a Contact Us page, maybe. Generally speaking, though, you want Web pages and blogs to be a bit beefier than that; consider 400 words the bare minimum. The search engine logic is that a really short article probably isn’t going to offer enough value to readers.

#6: Mobile matters!

If you’re not sure what your website looks like on different mobile devices, stop what you’re doing now and go check—and if need be, talk to your Web developer about optimizing for mobile. Mobile use is increasingly prevalent, and you can’t afford to write off such a large audience.

Want to chat with us about some SEO best practices? We’re always here for you. Give us a call today!