encompass blog

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Can PPC Boost SEO?

Something we emphasize at enCOMPASS is taking an integrative approach to marketing. There is an abundance of marketing tools and resources to choose from today, ranging from pay-per-click ads to social media channels to YouTube—but wielding these tools in isolation from one another won’t help you reach your branding and outreach goals. To be effective, these different tactics must all be employed harmoniously, all pointed toward the same goal and working in a complementary fashion.

  • Websites

What is Responsive Design—and Why Does it Matter?

To the layman, all websites may seem like they’re constructed in roughly the same way—different in content and design, to be sure, but erected with the same basic building blocks. Actually, not all websites are created equal. There are different ways to categorize and classify websites, and one of the most significant is the responsive website designation.

  • Tips And Tricks

How to Write Headlines That Get Results

The headline is arguably the most important part of any blog entry or Web page you write. The headline is the first thing your reader will see—and what’s the old saying about first impressions? If your headline doesn’t strike the reader’s interest, it’s simply not very likely that the rest of the content will get read—and as such, the best content in the world can be rendered all but useless by a weak or unengaging headline.

  • Tips And Tricks

Fine-Tune Your Hashtag Strategy

It’s not uncommon for hashtags to be used as punchlines or gags—Jimmy Fallon has a recurring Hashtags segment on The Tonight Show, for example—but for those who wish to use social media to boost their business, hashtags are no laughing matter. A hashtag is a kind of online shorthand that transcends social networks—only LinkedIn doesn’t allow for them—and provides an easy way for users to search for and discover your content.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Do Backlinks Still Matter?

Backlinks have been the subject of quite a bit of back-and-forth in the SEO community—enough that you may wonder whether they still matter, whether they’re worth the effort, or whether they might actually do more harm than good to your website.

  • Tips And Tricks

Pre-Roll Ads That are Effective: Quick Tips

In a recent post, we explained a significant strategy change that the enCOMPASS team has been advocating for all our TV clients. This year, we’re recommending that those who’ve been investing their marketing dollars in TV commercials shift some of that money (as much as 50 percent) to pre-roll advertising—essentially, the little clips that run before a video begins online.

  • Google Insights

How Google Search Analytics Guides Content Marketing (Part II)

In our last blog post, we provided some background into the Google Search Analytics Report—a handy set of data that we recommend to anyone looking to better understand their website performance and search engine optimization success. What we said at the time, was that Search Analytics can actually provide some useful direction for your content marketing campaign. In particular, there are three ways in which it can be helpful; it allows you to:

  • Google Insights

How Google Search Analytics Guides Content Marketing (Part I)

When Google first launched its Webmaster Tools panel, some years ago now, it was met with a decidedly lackluster response. Though Webmaster Tools was fine in theory—providing information about particular keywords and connecting them to real leads—it never actually panned out the way it was supposed to. Simply put, the keyword research Google provided was never particularly good, and there were much better tools on the market that did the same thing more effectively.

  • Mobile Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing

Where is Social Media Headed?

Social media marketing keeps you on your toes. It changes pretty regularly, with one network gaining in prominence while another falls out of fashion; just ask yourself how many companies use SnapChat today compared to a year ago, or Instagram compared to five years ago; while you’re at it, ask how many companies maintain a presence on MySpace, or for that matter Google+. And it’s not just that niche networks rise and fall.

  • Mobile Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing

Make Your Company’s Twitter Account a Trusted Source

For businesses, Twitter can have a number of useful functions: Driving website traffic, promoting recent blog posts, building brand visibility, and cultivating a reputation for thought leadership, among other things. These are all noble and worthwhile goals for your company Twitter account, yet none of them are really attainable unless the Twitter account is followed and engaged with. In other words, people need to not only read your tweets but also retweet them to others.