Website Development (Multicolumn Layout) (4)

enCOMPASS Agency is proud to be on the leading edge of the rapidly changing world of web design and development. We develop all of our sites with our Interactive Marketing Intelligence Development platform where websites are created to be experienced seamlessly on ALL devices & screen sizes regardless of the platform or orientation.

Over the years we have found certain features that every business with a web presence needs in order to maximize the value of their website. We include all of these features in our base installation. One of the most efficient ways of doing so, when it’s right for your business needs, is to build a highly customized version of Joomla!

This award-winning content management system (CMS) is one of the most popular Open Source platforms available today. It empowers our developers to efficiently build highly customized world-class websites with powerful online applications.


Web Development + Search Engine Optimization

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Because our code is hand written, we can take the extra steps to make sure the code is optimized for the search engines. Whether your project is a simple template or a complex extension, our code will be optimized for search engine indexing. Our sites are fully compatible with all current search engine optimization techniques. If you are in a highly competitive industry and need the extra boost of additional optimization, our sites are completely customizable.