encompass blog

  • Marketing
  • Display Advertising

What is Display Advertising?

One of the most exciting aspects of digital marketing is that it’s easier than ever before for advertisers to address consumers at different stages of the sales funnel. As a case in point, consider display advertising. Display advertising is a strategy that’s proven highly effective at building brand awareness and even engendering favorable attitudes from consumers, before they reach the point of purchase.

  • Marketing
  • Display Advertising

What is Retargeting—and Why Should You Use It?

In a perfect world, the consumer journey would be simple and straightforward. It might look something like this: An interested customer conducts an online search, and comes across your company website. After visiting the site and reading up on your products and services, the customer decides to make a purchase. That customer either buys the item directly from your ecommerce store, picks up the phone to call you, or drives to your brick-and-mortar location to complete the transaction.

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