digital marketing solutions built exclusively for medical practices

real results are within your reach.

We’ve partnered with medical practices all across the country and won international awards for our work. We know we can help you achieve your goals, too! Here are results from one of our medical clients:

increase in new patients
conversion rate*
average cost per lead

*The industry average for conversion rate is 3.36% (Source: WordStream)

Our campaigns are designed to:

  • Build your brand recognition
  • Target potential customers with information that’s relevant to them
  • Create an authentic connection with your customers
  • Generate interest in your services
  • Boost traffic and conversions on your website

When you work with enCOMPASS, you can expect:

  • A best in class website for your medical practice, with a proven track record of results
  • Dedicated account managers
  • Unmatched digital marketing optimization
  • A team that truly cares about your business and your customers