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4 SEO Concepts to Master for 2018

Google’s search algorithms are constantly evolving—yet the main function of the search algorithms remains the same. Google wants to provide its users with the best experience possible; it wants to facilitate the fast and easy retrieval of helpful and relevant information, period. All of its algorithmic updates are in service of this goal—and, for marketing professionals to ensure that their SEO efforts remain Google compliant, maintaining an ultimate focus on user experience is crucial.

  • Websites
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What to Expect for SEO in 2018

Search engine optimization (SEO) is never static. It’s changing all the time, partly because technology itself evolves, but also because consumer behavior shifts and adapts. Part of the marketer’s job is forecasting the latest trends, and building strategies that accommodate them. As we head into 2018, here are a handful of SEO trends we can predict with some confidence; all of them are potentially impactful for your company’s ongoing marketing approach.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Local SEO Tips Every Brick and Mortar Needs

There is an ongoing misconception that search engine optimization (SEO) is primarily a concern for digitally-based businesses—that brick and mortar stores don’t have the same need to establish search engine visibility. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Even if your company doesn’t conduct transactions online, consumers use search engines to find local companies—and if your business isn’t present in local searches, you’ll miss out on significant foot traffic.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Websites

SEO for Small Websites

Generally speaking, the size of a business website is proportional to the size of the business itself. If you have a small enterprise that only sells one or two products, there’s simply no need for an exhaustive site with hundreds of sub-pages. Likewise, for a highly specialized consultancy or a boutique firm, keeping the website small and streamlined is often what makes the most sense.

  • Tips And Tricks
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

How to Do Keyword Research for Your Next Blog Post

Keywords have always been integral to search engine optimization (SEO). Judiciously chosen words and phrases can signal to the search engine algorithms—and to human readers—what your content is all about, and how it should be properly classified. What’s more, making use of keywords can lend structure and focus to your content—making it more compelling and more actionable.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Why Ecommerce SEO Fails - and What To Do About It

This has always been a basic concept of retail: You’re not going to sell any products if nobody knows that your store exists. This was true in the brick and mortar era, and it’s still true today. Online stores can have perfect business models, outstanding products, incredible prices, and amazing customer service—but if the store itself is not well marketed and made highly visible, it’s simply not going to do well. It is imperative that ecommerce merchants do anything they can to make sure people are aware of their store.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

6 Things to Know About SEO in 2016

Did you know that Google’s internal algorithms change hundreds of times each year? Search engines are not static, and so your search engine strategies can’t be, either.

That’s not to overstate the dynamic nature of search engine optimization (SEO). In many ways, the foundations of search are pretty solid. Google always wants to provide its client (i.e., the search engine user) with a great product (i.e., relevant search results). If you keep that in mind—producing content that’s high-quality, value-adding, and topical—you’re well on your way to SEO success.