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Why Your PPC Ads Do Not Show Up When You Search For Them

Why Your PPC Ads Do Not Show Up When You Search For Them

Written by enCOMPASS Agency

You’ve committed to digital marketing for your business. You’ve built a great website with lead forms and calls to action. You’ve also invested time and money into pay-per-click ads, and you want to check the performance of those ads.

Now you’re searching on Google for your PPC ads to see them in action—and much to your dismay, you’re coming up with nothing.

Don’t worry: Google hasn’t dropped your ads from their PPC system. There are plenty of simple explanations why your ads are not displaying when you search. You may be bidding on the wrong keywords. You may have some simple billing issues that need to be resolved. Your AdWords account may not be properly established. All of these problems have simple fixes.

But if you double check and don’t see any of those items to be issues, then your problem may be a little more complex. Chances are if the culprit isn’t one of the simple issues listed above, it’s one of the issues listed below.

You’re Not Searching for the Right Keyword Terms

One potential reason why you’re not seeing your ads when you search: You’re not searching for the correct keywords.

You may think you are—but remember: Google Adwords (and most other PPC ad platforms) uses a complex system for placing ads based on keyword searches. And, if you partner with a digital marketing agency to run your PPC advertising, that agency may implement a special system for bidding on keyword searches.

For example, the enCOMPASS system optimizes the best converting keywords, the ones that get results and turn leads into customers. (Isn’t that the point of PPC advertising?) So while you may think the keywords you’re searching for are the right keywords, our system may see that those same keywords are not turning clicks into conversions. At that point, our system may lower the bids, or stop bidding on those keywords altogether, which means your ads would not show up in search results for those keywords.

You’re Searching Too Much

Another reason your ads may not show up for keyword searches? You search too often for the same keyword terms, and never take any actions based on the search results.

Imagine this: You search over and over again. Your ads display, and you don’t click on them. By doing this, you’re telling Google that you’re not interested in the ad. So Google stops displaying it—simple as that. Google actually does care about you having the best search experience, which means its algorithms are attuned to your search habits.

If you search for the same keyword terms over and over again, and your PPC ad does not show up, do not panic. You are likely just sending Google the wrong signals for YOUR SPECIFIC search preferences. Please keep in mind this would apply to only you, and not to everyone else who performs the same search. Just because you’re not seeing your ads, it is very likely others ARE seeing them!

You’re Using the Wrong Search Tool

A final thought: If you’re searching for your ads with no luck, it may be that you’re just not searching with the right tool. You can always search by using your search bar on your own device, but the best way to accurately gauge how your PPC ads “show up” on Google is to search using Google’s preview tool.

Using the preview tool allows you to view your ads without affecting the impressions accrued, and thereby not affecting your personal search preferences on a regular Google search. It is not a perfect tool, but it is the best way to view your ads and receive accurate data.

Any of these reasons could explain why you’re not seeing your ads appear in you search results. So the next time you start to feel like your PPC campaign is coming up short, just remember: There is likely a simple explanation.

PPC Results Matter Most

Ultimately, you want to see results from your PPC campaign. In the end, it’s not about YOU seeing YOUR PPC ads show up in search results. It is more important that others see your ads, and act on them.

If your PPC campaign generates qualified phone calls, completed website lead forms, and conversions of other strategic goals, the campaign works! These are the results a successful PPC campaign produces – results that help grow your business.